Kirby Woods Podcast
Welcome to the podcast of Kirby Woods Baptist Church located in Memphis, TN. Our Senior Pastor is Jared Kress. Here you can listen to the weekly sermon audio of the most recent messages from the pulpit, as well as the newest episodes of "Off Script with Pastor Jared." Please share this podcast with your friends and family. Don't forget to subscribe and leave us a rating/review!
Kirby Woods Podcast
Frowning Providence, Smiling Face (Acts 21:1-16)
Those in Paul’s life unite around the same refrain: “Don’t go to Jerusalem.” Yet, Paul remained undeterred, sensing a divine mission from God to return to the holy city, which would trigger the events of the remainder of Acts.
Preached by Jared Kress on March 9th, 2025.
Series: Church on Trial, The Book of Acts
Primary Text: Acts 21:1-16.
Join us in person Sundays at 10:30am at 6325 Poplar Ave, Memphis TN or online at https://www.kirbywoods.org/live.
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